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Seminars & Webinars
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Recent Articles
Seminar Announcement: Wansu Bunkai – Jan. 25th, 2025 – Roanoke, IL
Join World Combat Association Instructor, INKKS co-founder, and internationally recognized practical karate expert, Noah Legel, Renshi, for a bunkai seminar on the kata Wansu in […]
Legitimacy vs. Popularity in Martial Arts
My thoughts on the false belief that legitimacy and popularity are related in martial arts, using KishimotoDi as an example.
Tachimura no Naihanchi Webinar in Review
On Saturday, June 1st, 2024, I taught a webinar for the International Neoclassical Karate Kobudo Society (INKKS) on the first kata of the KishimotoDi system, […]
Kakedameshi Seminar in Review
A review and testimonials of my recent seminar, Kakedameshi: The Original Kumite of Karate, hosted by Shorei Ryu Karate Studios of Bradley, IL.
The Practical Karate Training Methodology: A Primer
The majority of karate schools, today, fall into two camps, both of which are almost entirely creations of Post-WW2 Japan: That said, there is a […]
How to Bunkai
Bunkai (lit. “take apart, analyze”), in the context of karate, is the practice of breaking down kata and working on developing applications for their movements, […]
Classes at the Centralia Recreation Complex
As of April 21st, 2025, we will begin conducting public teen/adult classes at the Centralia Recreation Complex in Centralia, IL, from 5:30pm to 7pm on […]
Competition Kakedameshi Ruleset
For many years, I have been an advocate of the use of kakedameshi (lit. “test of hanging/hooked hands”), or “sticky hands sparring,” for pressure testing […]