
3 Tips for Visiting a Dojo 1

  Every martial art, and every organization or school, within it, is going to have a different set of behavioral expectations for its students. Within Asian martial arts, especially, there are certain things that are expected that you wouldn’t necessarily think of. For someone new to martial arts, or someone visiting another school, it can be difficult to know what […]

5 People You Will Find at the Dojo 3

I write a lot of articles about karate techniques and concepts, but not a lot about the people who train in karate. Today, I decided I would do that a little bit! When you start training in martial arts, you will notice that there are certain personality traits that keep popping up in certain people. These seem to exist in […]

Sexism and Religion in the Dojo 3

Sonja Power Last week, an online friend of mine shared this article about Sonja Power, a girl who felt degraded by the treatment she was given by her Aikido sensei at the behest of a new student, because he was strictly adhering to his religion. I was a bit dumbfounded by the article, to be perfectly honest, and I shared […]

Training Harder, Fist Photos and the New Dojo 2

The more reading that I do about martial arts, and traditional karate in particular, the more I want to train. That is not to say that I haven’t wanted to train more, already, but the feeling is certainly stronger.  I find myself practicing and exercising outside of the dojo even more often, and when I am at the dojo I […]