Monthly Archives: August 2013

Kaizen 1

The kanji for “kaizen” Kaizen is a Japanese word meaning “good change” or “improvement.” While it does not explicitly state it, the word is often used to describe improvement that is continuous or ongoing. I feel that you should always been working to improve your own personal budo–the skills, techniques, knowledge, and mindset that make up your karate. In the […]

Reflections on my Amateur MMA Debut 13

Saturday, August 10th, 2013 was the day of my amateur MMA debut. I arrived at the venue a little after 4pm, as requested by the organization, and filled out paperwork, made weight (170.7lbs–a week prior, I was 180.8lbs), and received my pre-fight medical evaluation, since this is really necessary for a safe fight, and if the medical do a bad […]