
Two Steps Back, Two Steps Forward

Recently, I wrote an article in defense of the use of wrist grabs in karate training, which are often derided as being unrealistic. In that article, I mentioned that the most common complaint people tend to have about many karate and kobudo applications and fighting drills is the use of formal karate-style attacks and incorrect maai (distancing). Unlike wrist grabs, […]

Discomfort, Pain, and Injury

Proper karate training requires physical contact, and as a martial art, that means there are going to be periods of discomfort, moments of pain, and instances of injury. It is important to recognize the differences between discomfort, pain, and injury if you want to train both effectively and safely, specially since you can get compensation with the Babcock Partners LLC […]

Ukemi – How to Fall Safely 3

  Slips, trips, and falls are one of the biggest causes of injury and accidental death in the United States, according to the National Safety Council. If you believe that a company, product or person cause the death of a person, then Wrongful Death Lawyer is needed to solve the case. With winter coming soon for much of the Northern […]