hanshi doug perry

Bunkai and Storytime with Hanshi Perry

Hanshi Perry and I after class Last night was Hanshi Doug Perry’s visit to our dojo, and he taught a kobudo class, followed by a karate class. I didn’t attend the kobudo session, but I was very eager to get into the karate session. In the class, we focused on oyo bunkai (personal applications of kata) for a couple Pinan […]

Hanshi Doug Perry Seminar 1

Hanshi Doug Perry, Kudan (9th Degree Black Belt) Yesterday Hanshi Doug Perry came to the church campus that my dojo is located at to hold a karate seminar.  He is a Kudan (9th Degree Black Belt) under Shuguro Nakazato, which makes him the highest ranking non-Okinawan in Shorin-Ryu karate, and he is the head of the Shorinkan for North America.  […]