heavy bag

Karate’s Wooden Dummy: The Kakiya/Kakete-Biki

Most martial artists have seen the so-called “Wing Chun dummy,” which is actually called a muk yan jong in Cantonese, or mu ren zhuang in Mandarin, meaning “wooden man post.” This training tool was widely popularized by Bruce Lee and, more recently, the Ip Man series of movies, starting Donnie Yen. While these dummies were developed for Chinese martial arts, […]

The kakiya/kakete-biki in Miyagi Chojun's backyard dojo

Our Exercise/Makiwara/Bag Station – 56K Warning!

The equipment that Jason built for us has been working out very well, and I’ve decided to call it the EMB Station.  While I was at the dojo today, I decided to take some nicer pictures of it to upload.  This is probably the most pictures I’ve ever put into one post, so hopefully people with slow connections don’t have […]