
The Scissor/Wedge Throws of Tachimura no Naihanchi

The art of KishimotoDi (AKA, Kishimoto-Ha Karate/Shuri-Te) is an interesting look into the Shuri-classified (or Tomari-classified, if you prefer to look at it that way) karate of the past, before its popularization by Itosu “Anko” Yasutsune and his disciples. As this style is is rare, only a small number of practitioners around the world study it, so it has been […]

Announcing a Massive Martial Arts Event in 2017!

In March of 2017, our dojo will be hosting two major martial arts events, back to back! Be sure to plan ahead so you don’t miss this amazing opportunity! Click here to see the flyer for the Ryukyu Martial Arts Friendship Gasshuku! Our first ever Ryukyu Martial Arts Friendship Gasshuku was held in October of 2015, and was a great […]